Here explained so accurately: the "schismatic operation" of Vigano'. Those of you still ...slumbering - wake up - already!
Opera 369
@spinmeister (or spin-master)? You judge a book by its cover?? You go ahead and stay with the new Vigano'. Just the fact that Vigano' acted quite hypocritically with 3 popes...should be a huge alarm-sign. Maybe one of these days, he will loudly admit that all 'traditionalists - SSPX should be in total "loving relationship" with Bergoglio..; even though right now, Vigano has all negative things to …More
@spinmeister (or spin-master)? You judge a book by its cover?? You go ahead and stay with the new Vigano'. Just the fact that Vigano' acted quite hypocritically with 3 popes...should be a huge alarm-sign. Maybe one of these days, he will loudly admit that all 'traditionalists - SSPX should be in total "loving relationship" with Bergoglio..; even though right now, Vigano has all negative things to say about him! What will you say then Mr. spinmeister?
Yea, your response to me doesn't merit an answer from me because it doesn't address what I wrote. It just repeats for the umpteenth time what mini-B regurgitated, and I mean that literally, not just pulling his nose but actually chewing his cud. The man was vomitose. Where did you dig this guy up?
I am not an expert on AI, but I think Bergolio's face was blended with another person's face to create an artificial image which looks like Bergolio and this person. And his continual pulling on his nose, rubbing his face, puking a little while talking, is purposeful. But, I'm not sure what it is supposed to accomplish. Does it add verisimilitude? It's definitely an affectation that I have seen …More
I am not an expert on AI, but I think Bergolio's face was blended with another person's face to create an artificial image which looks like Bergolio and this person. And his continual pulling on his nose, rubbing his face, puking a little while talking, is purposeful. But, I'm not sure what it is supposed to accomplish. Does it add verisimilitude? It's definitely an affectation that I have seen before. Does this grossness make the person relatable? Does it distract from the fact that he just keeps saying the same thing? Does it humanize him and make him seem real and spontaneous and passionate? I know an actor who is fond of this sort of thing, I just never figured out why.
Opera 369
As "sanctimonious" as a basic ... sedevacantist (Vatican Council II of course)! Oh, and dear spinmeister, don't bother replying - my posts don't merit an answer. Your replies are superflous, since it's very very clear the way you ... limitingly 'think'! Have a happy sedevacantist sanctimonious life, with the non-blessings of re-consecrated monsignor. 🥱
First, it is difficult to listen to this person who looks so much like a younger Bergolio. The speed with which he speaks and his continual pinching of his nose is also jangling and off putting. His appearance and mannerisms were probably the reason he was chosen for this role. I got to the point where he said that there is no trace of modernism anywhere in the Church, which occurs in the first 2 …More
First, it is difficult to listen to this person who looks so much like a younger Bergolio. The speed with which he speaks and his continual pinching of his nose is also jangling and off putting. His appearance and mannerisms were probably the reason he was chosen for this role. I got to the point where he said that there is no trace of modernism anywhere in the Church, which occurs in the first 2 minutes, and knew this couldn't be anything but a provocation.
His main point, which he repeats maddeningly, is that Vigano was a high ranking member and benefited in every way from the Church that he has now turned against and criticizes; therefore, he is immoral and not to be trusted. But how many Traditionalist Catholics also were confirmed and sincere members of the counter church, which over time they gradually came to realize was not the true Faith of their youth? Reconversion is like conversion sometimes. It takes time and circumstances and the grace of God to fully realize what is Truth and what is deception. And it takes even more time to decide what should be done about it for ones self.
Maybe Vigano has not fully and consciously realized that it is not the true unsullied Bride of Christ that he criticizes or the true Vicar of Christ, for both are preserved from error, but an ape of the Church set up by Satan and a deceiver on the Throne of Peter. Not the True Catholic Church, but an anti-Church which was spoken of in prophecy and miraculous appearances of Mary. Christ said, "when I return will I find any Faith left on earth?" He knew what was going to happen. He also spoke of great deceptions from wolves in sheep's clothing.
Vigano is not causing a schism. He is simply speaking the truth and as people realize the truth, they no longer want to be a part of the contradictions, obfuscations, errors and lies. The Pope is saying that the Novus Ordo Mass expresses the true theology of the church he is running and he will allow no other. But that is not the mass, nor the theology of the Church prior to Vatican II. I was Baptized …More
Vigano is not causing a schism. He is simply speaking the truth and as people realize the truth, they no longer want to be a part of the contradictions, obfuscations, errors and lies. The Pope is saying that the Novus Ordo Mass expresses the true theology of the church he is running and he will allow no other. But that is not the mass, nor the theology of the Church prior to Vatican II. I was Baptized into the pre-Vatican II True Faith. I was raised in the True Faith. I will die in the True Faith, and it is not the Chruch of Bergolio. He has expressly said so himself. The Liturgy must be reformed so the church can be reformed.
Louis IX
If the new synodal religion contradicts or cannot be consistent with the faith taught by the Vetus Ordo ((TLM)which some in the Vatican hierarchy have claimed,) the church of synodality must be a false church.
Synodality is just one of the many contradictions ie. heresies introduced after Vatican II.
Bruceph Mildur
This man is a skilled hunter.
Opera 369
You must all be 'followers' of Vigano' who has "denied" even himself. A) in 1968 Vigano' accepted his "priesthood" and the period was post Vatican Council II. Why did Vigano' accept the ordination, knowing that he was becoming part of the "modernist Church" that he now renounces with all the Popes since then? B) in 1992 Vigano' accepted to become Bishop, from the hands of none other than a Pope …More
You must all be 'followers' of Vigano' who has "denied" even himself. A) in 1968 Vigano' accepted his "priesthood" and the period was post Vatican Council II. Why did Vigano' accept the ordination, knowing that he was becoming part of the "modernist Church" that he now renounces with all the Popes since then? B) in 1992 Vigano' accepted to become Bishop, from the hands of none other than a Pope that he deems "modernists" John Paul II. Why did he accept that "gift" from a 'modernist' Pope? C) In 2011 the 'saintly' Vigano' was nominated Apostolic Nunzio to the United States, by Pope Benedict XVI - another Pope that Vigano' now thinks of as 'modernist'. Why in the name of the Lord he promised to SERVE, did Vigano' 'accept' all these positions from "modernists" Popes? He must've been quite ambitious to 'climb the ladder' in the Vatican and at that time Vigano' did not really care WHO (the modernist Popes) gave him the ...promotions, as long as he climbed up!! 😎 🤑 🤔 Now Vigano' refused all those position, automatically when he was "reconsecrated" by a "schismatic Bishop ". So...you sanctimonious traditionalists that feel the same way as Vigano'.. that all Popes after Pius XII were "modernists" --- you need to go back and read the Catechism of Pius X. Vigano' is taking you to the point of ..... cancelling yourselves!
Opera 369. This is all you got. You and the actor just keep saying it over and over. I answered your objection to Vigano.
Opera 369
You are not capable of handling any more dear spinmeister, it would be too boring. Stay comfortable in the sedevacantist grey area, which was NEVER Jesus' area! Goodbye!