‘Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by another way is a thief and a bandit. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but they will run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers.’ Jesus used this figure of speech with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them. (John 10:1-6)

Strange events

Strange things keep happening to me. I was thinking of writing this post for a while but never quite knew how to shape the original idea. Then I received a message from a reader in Sardinia asking for my opinion on certain matters and then the article naturally grew from the response. Only a few hours later, I was informed that a huge amount of money went missing from my sister’s pension account. Presumably, that money was stolen by those in charge of defending her interests. I have written before about the sad situation this country is in. The putrefaction of the institutions is now almost complete. My sister is only one of the many victims of a completely corrupted government system. It took over a century of ‘social justice’ to get to this point, that will be the subject of a different post. Suffice to say now that the good people in Argentina are in a mighty bad mood and my guess is that this may get very ugly very soon.

I hope I am wrong and we see no evil and bloodshed but the pulse on the streets of Buenos Aires this weekend is one of quiet, simmering rage. The ruling caste is oblivious to popular feelings and only God knows who will use that frustration to his own advantage. The case of my sister is therefore a good parable of what this once prosperous Republic is experiencing. A country sickened and raped by dishonest men is now robbed by its cruel masters, the ones who call themselves the guardians of social justice, those are the ones ransacking the exhausted pockets of all Argentines. The Iscariot class is selling all of us to the best bidder, caring not at all for the poor and downtrodden they were supposed to govern justly. Please pray for my sister and pray for Argentina, a country destined to be a refuge for those surviving the tribulations to come.

A local secular prophet, Benjamín Solari Parravicini, said once:

“Argentina torn to pieces, divided into two ideas will raise a puppet of new doctrine, the church will be silent, prayer will win.” (1939) “Argentina is empty, because empty it must remain until the arrival of the brother world wounded in the fires. Argentina, if it is saved in time, will save [others]. Argentina will suffer in small [scale] what the world will suffer later. Argentina will be a light [for the world]!” (1938) The ‘middle class’ is bound to save Argentina. Their triumph will be [projected towards] the [whole] world! (1940)

I do not give these prophecies much importance because they are only marginally Catholic but … they are beginning to make sense these days. I think Parravicini may have received some divine inspiration after all. Many of his prophecies have come to pass. Now to the present travails of Mother Church, the troubles of this hour…

The hour of the thieves

It does not matter now who is the Pope, if he is Pope or just “a pope” — that is no longer important. We have bigger fish to fry. We are entering the wilderness and the hours of darkness are upon us. We should be concerned with what this hour represents prophetically. Dismissing all the canonical legalities I concentrate on phrases like  “Communist are better Christians than the Christians.” Common sense and the ancient experience of the Church, remembering the voice of Christ twenty centuries later are all the reference points we have after hearing such things from the hierarchy.

Since the days of the Council, the emergence of “Catholic” groups that appeared to be ultra-orthodox seemed to announce the much announced springtime, the New Pentecost. But all ended in disillusion. The Institute of the Incarnate Word, Sodality of Christian Life, Legionnaires of Christ, Miles Dei, (there are many more) or the latest and greatest Protestant converts creating small publishing or media empires but never escaping the dry ways of Protestantism, never venturing into the luminous and yet mysterious garden of true Catholic Tradition. Those never tasted the fruit from the trees planted by the Fathers, by Christ Himself, by the visionaries and mystics of ages past. The new groups may have fulfilled some mission but many ended mired in sexual or financial scandals leaving us hungry in many ways.

Among those new movements there are many that obviously placed the emphasis in controlling  their following and specially the gathering of large sums of money. The strategy consisted in appearing as conservative and orthodox as possible because —alas!— the Catholic population never gave much money to liberal causes. Those proved to be in reality a akin to some predatory sects. The thieves were forced to pose as super-orthodox if they wanted to fool Catholics with deep pockets into giving them money. Those groups ended up being a conglomerate of invaders who posed (poorly) as traditional Catholics only to deceive and fleece the flock. With that in mind, please read again the tenth chapter of the Gospel According to St. John.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.’ (John 10:11-18)

Be mindful of the ego eimi, the I AM that is the Divine Name declared to Moses in the desert. Now think of the path the Church has trodden in the last decade or so. Who do you think could be the “hired hand” and who is “the wolf”? I won’t tell you. You have to discern all by yourself.

In any case, no one is caring much for the sheep. Unless one considers the present pastoral state of the Church is normal. If we read this passage and mind the prophetic edge we can see what Jesus is doing these days. He is our shepherd now that all those whose duty was to care for the sheep have either absconded or joined the thieves that climbed the wall to enter the pen.

Any sheep of Jesus reading and meditating the words of John 10 (and observing the actions of the hierarchy and the present state of the Petrine ministry) has enough to reach a definite conclusion. The end of the thieves and traitors will be according to their deeds.

Remember Judas Iscariot. He was after all, a full Apostle of Christ. He could have been a saint but he liked money. Perhaps he had the ambition of living the good life. Did he think that a man like Jesus who could do so many wonderful things should charge for healing the sick. Imagine the profits! Yes, it sounds silly because it is tragically silly. Christ said that the man who betrayed the Son of Man could have been better of not ever being born. The same goes for those who entered the pen, the Church, to plunder her riches and hurt the most innocent among us. It would have been better if they were never born.

The false church and the True Church occupy the same space. That is the anti-typical fulfillment of the “divided heart” of Israel in times of Elijah.

“Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, ‘How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.’ The people did not answer him a word.” (1 Kings 18:21)

In this particular time of history Christ will separate “sheep from goats” as he himself predicted. We have to do our utmost to be among the sheep.

Judas Iscariot is another representation of the divided hearts of this time. The Iscariot is after money, he is trusted with the funds of the little band of Jesus’ followers but Judas betrays that simple mission. The infiltrated sectarians of this troubled time are after the money as well. They covet the funds produced by the generosity of the faithful because they wish to spend it to satisfy their own vices. They take something holy and smear it with their own filth. I am sure you already understood that certain organizations are the anti-typical fulfillment of the Iscariot of our times. Their objective in assaulting the Church is to “to steal and kill and destroy” that is to “cause desolation” as described by Daniel and also Jesus. We are seeing this filthy thing sitting “where it ought not.” They are the harlot of Babylon. The Babylonians and the Romans both coveted the riches of God’s temple and entered Jerusalem to conquer and plunder. There is nothing different in our time: the means of conquest are violent and malicious just as Christ described in John chapter 10.

Fr. Julio Meinvielle (1905-1973), an Argentinian priest, a saint and martyr of our times is right. Please read it and see if his words describe the present situation:

There could be two churches: one in public view, a church magnified in propaganda, with well-advertised bishops, priests, and theologians, even with a pope with ambiguous attitudes; and another Church, a church of silence, with a pope faithful to Jesus Christ in his teaching and with some loyal priests, bishops, and faithful spread about as pusillus grex (little flock) all around the earth. This second church would be the Church of the promises, while the other defects or apostatizes. The same pope could preside both churches that would seem to be one in appearance. The pope, with his ambiguous attitudes, would validate the confusion. Because on one hand —being the head of the Church of promises— he may profess an impeccable doctrine, while on the other hand, by sending confusing, even reproachable signals, he would appear to be advancing the subversion and pastoral message of the public church. (From the Kabbalah to Progressivism, 1970)

This is a sign of the coming Restoration

Now you see the parallelism between my poor sister, the Argentine Republic plundered by all kinds of crooks and double-faced knaves all reflected in our poor Church of the promise beaten and downtrodden. You see innocence all over the world being raped and tortured, depraved men taking undue advantage and abusing those who cannot defend themselves. The very abundance of that kind of dishonesty is announcing the nearness of Christ.

I am reluctant to post too much stuff about this subject. It is more urgent to feed the sheep than to throw stones to the wolves wandering the forest. Have nothing to do with them! Pray a lot, please pray for my protection. God is about to wipe the world clean and He will begin with his Church, with this holy enclosure where the sheep were once supposed to be safe. Pray and focus on the life and works of Jesus and the messages that are clearly from Our Blessed Mother. Be good from your heart up. There is not much else we can do. We will not restore the Church by our own means and strength. Christ will do that by bringing her to a new and splendid age. Just pray and watch Him do it.

“But there were false prophets also among the people, just as among you there will be lying teachers who will bring in destructive sects. They even disown the Lord Who bought them, thus bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 Peter 2: 1)