
Archbishop Casts Out Devil With Satan

Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli, 57, hired in April 2021 Loretta Hoban - a former activist of the international abortion business Marie Stopes - to coordinate the Archdiocese’s Redress Scheme for victims of sex abuse (ecclesiastical-freemasonry.com, February 24).

Her role is according to her LinkedIn profile “to create a culture of safety for children” including “advice relating to child safety and the safety of vulnerable people.”

So far, Hoban has dealt with the extermination of children. With Marie Stopes, Hobans was targeting from 2015-2016 poor garment factory workers in Phnom Penh. Then she was an activist for Asia Foundation and other institutions propagating contraception and abortion.


chris griffin
If Loretta Hoban has not repented of abortion advocacy and complicity then those babies are crying out to God for vengeance against her.
John A Cassani
Just to add to that, she needs to repent publicly, and become a public pro-lifer, before she could ever do good work for the Church, wouldn’t you say?
Hound of Heaven
The malevolent irony bleeds.
Jan Joseph
Een wolf in schaapskleding.