Major Rogation Day Litany of the Saints - 25 April 2023 It has been the custom of the Roman Church to hold Rogation Days which are, traditionally, days where prayers are said in order to appease God's …More
Major Rogation Day Litany of the Saints - 25 April 2023
It has been the custom of the Roman Church to hold Rogation Days which are, traditionally, days where prayers are said in order to appease God's wrath over the sins of mankind. Thus, these are days of fasting and abstinence aimed at reparation and seeking God's help. Moreover, the Church during such days offer supplications for various needs, like protection from calamities or a bountiful harvest. In the traditional Church calendar before post-conciliar revisions, there is one Major Rogation Day and Three Minor Rogation Days. The former is held every 25th of April while the latter are commemorated three days before the Feast of the Ascension. According to custom, a procession is held (in which the Litany of the Saints is chanted) until it culminates with a Mass. The liturgical colour is violet (due to the penitential nature of the liturgical celebrations).
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Major Rogation Day - Litany of the Saints