Michi Gini
"Durante la messa presieduta stamane da papa Francesco sul sagrato vaticano per la Domenica di Pasqua, il forte vento che soffiava su Piazza San Pietro a un certo punto ha fatto cadere pesantemente a …More
"Durante la messa presieduta stamane da papa Francesco sul sagrato vaticano per la Domenica di Pasqua, il forte vento che soffiava su Piazza San Pietro a un certo punto ha fatto cadere pesantemente a terra l'icona del 'Resurrexit', situata proprio vicino alla postazione del Pontefice."

Il vento rovescia l'icona 'Resurrexit' durante la messa a San Pietro - Primopiano - Ansa.it

Papa Francesco non si scompone minimamente...
Claudius Cartapus
@GTVisrockin We should put wings on the papal miter... 😉
Simon North
"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." (Acts 2). At Pentecost, the Twelve Apostles went from there to convert the world to Truth Himself. Francis (and every Bishop of Rome since Vatican II) has thought it more important to make friends with the world. By the mighty wind that toppled the icon of "The Resurrection"…More
"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." (Acts 2). At Pentecost, the Twelve Apostles went from there to convert the world to Truth Himself. Francis (and every Bishop of Rome since Vatican II) has thought it more important to make friends with the world. By the mighty wind that toppled the icon of "The Resurrection" in the presence of this Destroyer, the Holy Ghost may be speaking very loudly.
I hate to be petty, especially in light of the seriously dire spiritual condition that the Church is clearly in, and the vast, mountainous challenges confronting the Faithful everywhere all over the world….but my goodness, those Vestments are simply sickening. 😡
Opera 369
11 years of hideous vestments, made to order, mind you, at the cost of over 2000 Euros each. (While Pope Benedict XVI made use of all Traditional, rich, ornate and even "Catholic" vestments. The Author Andrea Cionci just posted a video/study on all the 'ugly vestments/pagan gnostic" that man has worn. Perché Bergoglio non celebra la Messa. Le due ipotesi: non vuole o glielo hanno vietato?
Opera 369 shares this
The Lord seems to not want the man dressed in white on Holy Ground... the 'holy' wind is doing its part. 😤
I’m sorry and I hate to be petty, especially in light of the seriously dire spiritual condition that the Church is clearly in, and the vast, mountainous challenges confronting the Faithful everywhere all over the world….but my goodness, those Vestments are simply sickening. 😡
Opera 369
The worst sin, PRIDE! That which made angels fall.. (like the one that the globalist seem to serve) and that which Bergoglio is made of...(plus the rest of his pagan vices).
Pity the wind didn't blow him as far away as possible.
Ann Smith
Maybe the winds are trying to blow away all the evil
I guarantee Bergoglio won't blow away in the wind. He is so obese can't even climb in the pope mobile.
Che gliene fregherà mai a lui?