
Conversion to the Church Produced Strange Phenomena

Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on NcRegister.com (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism. She and her husband received …Higit pa
Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on NcRegister.com (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism.
She and her husband received baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion at this year's Easter Vigil. Prior to their conversion, the family attended a non-denominational religious group with large video screens, weak music and a feel-good preacher. They have two young children.
Jayme Clune studied the history of the early Church and found that her beliefs were consistent with those of the Catholic Church. She and her husband were both drawn to the tradition, liturgy and sacraments of the Church.
As they began the official process of conversion, they were confronted with strange occurrences in their home.
- Lights would go on in rooms where no one had been.
- A large arched window inexplicably shattered, sending thousands of shards of glass across the floor.
- Water leaked from the kitchen sink.
- The toilets overflowed. - …Higit pa
Video Congreso Eucarístico Parroquia Santa Rita de Cassia. Bendito seas Señor, tu eres verdadera comida de SalvaciónHigit pa
Video Congreso Eucarístico Parroquia Santa Rita de Cassia.
Bendito seas Señor, tu eres verdadera comida de Salvación

Remember Francis’ "Don’t Breed Like Rabbits"? Now He Wants "More Babies"

Francis urged Italians on May 10 to have children, calling for long-term policies to help families and warning that the country’s demographic crisis was threatening the future. “The number of births …Higit pa
Francis urged Italians on May 10 to have children, calling for long-term policies to help families and warning that the country’s demographic crisis was threatening the future.
“The number of births is the first indicator of the hope of a people,” Francis said at an annual gathering of pro-family groups. “Without children and young people, a country loses its desire for the future.”
Italy’s birth rate, already one of the lowest in the world, has been falling steadily for about 15 years and reached a record low last year with 379,000 babies born.
In 2015, Francis said that Catholics shouldn’t “breed like rabbits”. He claimed that “responsible parenthood” requires the spouses to regulate the births of their children.
Picture: VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto, #newsHjevsbyxfw
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
People pleasers will always tell them what they want to hear. To one person it is white, to the other it is black. Now let us wait to hear that is is …Higit pa
People pleasers will always tell them what they want to hear. To one person it is white, to the other it is black. Now let us wait to hear that is is grey to someone else. In other words, "Having babies depends."
The real tragedy is that both when Pope Francis was discouraging women from getting pregnant, or as he is now doing, encouraging women to have babies,…Higit pa
The real tragedy is that both when Pope Francis was discouraging women from getting pregnant, or as he is now doing, encouraging women to have babies, the interests of God were not any of his concerns. His only interest is that of the world's.
4 pang mga komento
Tom Blyton


for your information; Time Stamp; 18.00 Xavier Ayral meets FR RIPPERGER in Miami, Fr Ripperger told Xavier that through his contacts in Rome, that this NEW LITURGY will make the CONSECRATION OF THE HOSTHigit pa
for your information; Time Stamp; 18.00
Xavier Ayral meets FR RIPPERGER in Miami, Fr Ripperger told Xavier that through his contacts in Rome, that this NEW LITURGY will make the CONSECRATION OF THE HOST INVALID. And Is already , as you read this, being worked on in Rome
loss of the true Eucharist? Prophetical times - foreshadowing.
Discern, prepare physically and Spiritually accordingly
my family and i have recently returned to mass based partly on this information.
The confection of the sacraments still retain their value, the priest still uses the words; ' This IS MY body, This IS MY blood'.
There is something coming beyond that; a NEW RITE a NEW FORMULA for the MASS that would do away from the words of consecration that would actually change it so that the Eucharist is NOT REALLY CONFECTED.
Book of Revelation: Is Pope Francis the True Pope or False Prophet? - Part 1 time stamp Book of Revelation: Is Pope Francis the True Pope or False Prophet? - Part 1
It's a legitimate question: Is the Novus Ordo valid?
Father Karl A Claver
These are liturgical time bombs which Fr. Malachi Martin spoke about many years ago.
20 pang mga komento

Bishop Strickland: "I Am Not A Sedevacantist."

Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on BishopStrickland.com (May 9) that he has been mislabeled as a sedevacantist by “a small number of people”. Strickland describes sedevacantism as a false belief and …Higit pa
Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on BishopStrickland.com (May 9) that he has been mislabeled as a sedevacantist by “a small number of people”.
Strickland describes sedevacantism as a false belief and the claim that there has been no valid pope since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, that as well as that the sacrament of Holy Orders is invalid in the Novus Ordo.
Strickland writes: “I want to make it clear that I am not and have never been a sedevacantist, as most people who have read my pastoral letters should know.”
And, “I have the utmost respect for the office of the papacy - the Vicar of Christ - and I regularly quote the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as other popes who have occupied the Chair of St. Peter since Vatican II.”
He doesn't mention Francis but prays that the papacy "will stand always as a visible sign of truth, clarity, and unity to Christ and to the faithful."
I am a sedevacantist. And proud.
Simon North
Nice person - but a rather lightweight hierarch. One can tell he was trained (not trained?) in a post-conciliar seminary.
4 pang mga komento
Saint Rita of Cascia. Saint Rita of Cascia Life HistoryHigit pa
Saint Rita of Cascia.
Saint Rita of Cascia Life History
👏 👏 👏 🤗 in Hindu??

Liturgy: Francis' Polemics Miss the Point

"Liturgy without the union of man with God is an aberration," Francis rightly wrote on 10 May to a delegation from the 'Higher Institute of Liturgy of Barcelona' in Spain. But it didn't occur to him …Higit pa
"Liturgy without the union of man with God is an aberration," Francis rightly wrote on 10 May to a delegation from the 'Higher Institute of Liturgy of Barcelona' in Spain.
But it didn't occur to him that this is precisely the problem with the secularised Novus Ordo.
He added another truism: "An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to rubricism, which does not promote union with God".
In fact, the rubrics (i.e. the instructions on how a liturgy is to be celebrated) are so precise and detailed that they relieve the priest from being forced to be a showman who has to make up the course of what is to follow, focusing on the audience rather than on God.
The rubrics carry the priest along so that he can concentrate fully on the "union of man with God".
Francis asked liturgists to "work to bring our daily liturgy to life", thus admitting that the Novus Ordo is dead.
Dr Bobus
More accurate: An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to superficial social aspects and/or leftist politics, which does not promote …Higit pa
More accurate:
An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to superficial social aspects and/or leftist politics, which does not promote union with God".
Ann Smith
How much 'life' does he want added to the Liturgy? Guess the circus, clown, beach, motorcycle, Super-soaker masses aren't working?
6 pang mga komento

2.5.2024 USA kongres schválil zákaz kritiky Izraele za genocidu Palestinců

(Prezident Biden nejspíš tento návrh zákona rychle podepíše - a tím uzákoní) (Američané v USA) ..........vidí v televizi a slyší v rádiu a v nichž vystupují dispenzacionalističtí hochštapleři …Higit pa
(Prezident Biden nejspíš tento návrh zákona rychle podepíše - a tím uzákoní) (Američané v USA) ..........vidí v televizi a slyší v rádiu a v nichž vystupují dispenzacionalističtí hochštapleři jako Mike Huckabee, který by se měl okamžitě přestěhovat do Izraele, když to místo tak miluje, a vzít s sebou při odjezdu i podobně smýšlející členy Kongresu.
Amerika pod vedením Joea Bidena a nepochybně také pod vedením Donalda Trumpa, pokud bude znovu zvolen, se zavázala, že se ujme vedení při ochraně Židů na celém světě a bude sankcionovat každého, kdo tuto důvěru poruší. Kdo jiný je například tak mimořádně citlivý na židovskou problematiku, že má na svém ministerstvu zahraničí zakotveného zvláštního vyslance pro otázky holocaustu a Úřad zvláštního vyslance pro sledování a potírání antisemitismu se statusem velvyslance a plným personálem a rozpočtem? Dokonce ani krkolomní skopčáci, kteří se běžně nechávají od Izraele obelhávat a zastrašovat a přitom stále posílají miliony zřejmě nekonečné řadě …Higit pa

Church Hate Propaganda in Canada: They Spent $8m and Found NOTHING

Canada's 'Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations' has confirmed it has spent C$7.9 million (!) to uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of "unmarked graves" at the former Catholic residential school for …Higit pa
Canada's 'Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations' has confirmed it has spent C$7.9 million (!) to uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of "unmarked graves" at the former Catholic residential school for Indians in Kamloops.
What everybody knew from the start: Not a single "mass grave" was found, despite a gigantic media propaganda storm by the oligarchs claiming their existence and even bringing Francis to his knees. It was all a hoax.
Also interesting: There has been no public disclosure of how the funds were used to find the non-existent mass graves, reports WesternStandard.news (9 May).
The announcement of the discovery of 215 graves of children [all died over a long period of time of natural causes] at the Kamloops Residential School site in 2021 by the 'First Nation', a PR organisation for Canadian Indians, caused an international outcry, including an 'apology' from Francis.
In reality, the Church did a heroic job in very difficult conditions to bring education and civilisation to …Higit pa
Boanerges Boanerges
Institutional satanism is a trademark of antichristic times. I do believe both Bergoglio and Trudeau receive instructions from Antichrist
Everyday for Life Canada
This could be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. It’s good business for the bureaucrats, the lawyers and the Indigenous who collect millions. The …Higit pa
This could be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. It’s good business for the bureaucrats, the lawyers and the Indigenous who collect millions. The one who gets shafted is the tax payer.
3 pang mga komento
Fr Gordon J MacRae
Honoring Mom on Mother’s Day brought me to Robert Frost’s most famous poem and its deepest meaning about life, loss, and hope.

Mother’s Day Promises to Keep, and Miles to Go Before I Sleep — Beyond These Stone Walls

Mother’s Day Promises to Keep, and Miles to Go Before I Sleep You may remember a post I wrote a few years ago …

Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes InfoVaticana.com …Higit pa
"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes InfoVaticana.com (1 May).
Mgr. García has been in his current position since May 2021. He previously worked for Cardinal Sarah in the same dicastery.
By "in some of the faithful" he must have meant the overwhelming majority of the faithful, and by "a certain confusion" the ongoing dissolution of the liturgy, which is no longer even Protestant, but secularised and pagan.
He blames an "excess of individualism" that "prevails in today's society" for the fact that "everyone can decide what they like in the liturgy". It is an old trick of the bishops to blame "society" for their own mistakes.
"In the face of the 'I', the Pope asks us for the 'we' of the community," García insists, while Francis rules the Vatican alone and unaccountable to anyone but his private whims.
Here is another pearl of wisdom straight …Higit pa
P. O'B
Take some more poison and you'll feel better.
Father Karl A Claver
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus …Higit pa
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus Ordo is suppressed, and the Tridentine Mass reestablished as the official liturgy of the Roman rite.
2 pang mga komento


NABOŻEŃSTWO PIĘTNASTU MODLITW ŚW. BRYGIDY czyli TAJEMNICA SZCZĘŚCIA ŚW.BRYGIDA-mistyczka. ♥OBIETNICE ♥ Od dłuższego czasu Brygida pragnęła wiedzieć, ile ciosów Chrystus Pan otrzymał podczas swej Męki. …Higit pa

Od dłuższego czasu Brygida pragnęła wiedzieć, ile ciosów Chrystus Pan otrzymał podczas swej Męki.
Pewnego dnia Zbawiciel objawił się jej i rzekł:
"Moje Ciało otrzymało 5480 ciosów.
Jeżeli chcesz je uczcić pobożną praktyką, zmów codziennie 15 Ojcze nasz i 15 Zdrowaś Maryjo z modlitwami, których cię nauczyłem, podczas całego roku. W ten sposób w ciągu roku uczcisz każdą moją Ranę".
(Przypis: 15 modlitw codziennie, przez 365 dni roku = 5480) Potem w formie obietnicy dodał, że ktokolwiek zmówi te modlitwy codziennie podczas roku: * Uwolni 15 dusz ze swej rodziny z czyśćca, *15 sprawiedliwych spośród krewnych zostanie potwierdzonych i zachowanych w łasce. * 15 grzeszników spośród krewnych zostanie nawróconych. * Osoba, która zmówi te modlitwy, osiągnie pewien stopień doskonałości. * Już na 15 dni przed śmiercią będzie przeżywała szczery żal za wszystkie popełnione grzechy ze świadomością …Higit pa
Te modlitwy tutaj nie są prawdziwe tylko zmienione te obietnicę są fałszywe.Wszystko piszę na stronie Salve Regina zaraz tutaj wyśle.Prawdziwa Wersję …Higit pa
Te modlitwy tutaj nie są prawdziwe tylko zmienione te obietnicę są fałszywe.Wszystko piszę na stronie Salve Regina zaraz tutaj wyśle.Prawdziwa Wersję odmawia się przed miesiąc a nie przez rok.Nabożeństwo do Męki Pańskiej. - Salve Regina
Ibinahagi ni Izabela Drwal ito
46 pang mga komento

No Surprise: Tucho Falsifies John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita"

Tucho Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Dissolution of the Faith, refers to John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita", but misrepresents him. In DI 39, Tucho promotes pacifism and offers the …Higit pa
Tucho Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Dissolution of the Faith, refers to John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita", but misrepresents him.
In DI 39, Tucho promotes pacifism and offers the following quotation from John Paul II's encyclical 'Redemptor hominis' (1979). "In the name of God and in the name of man: Do not kill! Do not prepare destruction and extermination for people! Think of your brothers and sisters who suffer hunger and misery! Respect the dignity and freedom of every human being! (RH 16)"
Tucho implies that John Paul II always considered killing in war to be a violation of the fifth commandment: "Thou shalt not kill". But this is not true. John Paul II also adds in the quoted passage (RH 16) that "modern weapons and means of destruction" can be used in wars to "defend just rights and sovereignty".
Kissy needs to keep Pope Saint John Paul the Great’s name out of his nasty, filthy mouth….and off of the pages of that excrement he writes.
Sean Johnson
I hate it when modernists misrepresent modernists.
2 pang mga komento

Co z toho, že 4.5.2024 v 18,38 ztuhlá krev sv. Januária zázračně zkapalnila?

4.5.2024 v 18,38 se ztuhlá krev San Gennara (sv. Januária) ze 4. století zázračně rozpustila až večer po procesí Neapolí a po sv. mši. Do té chvilky se neapolští Italové báli, že válka či jiné …Higit pa
4.5.2024 v 18,38 se ztuhlá krev San Gennara (sv. Januária) ze 4. století zázračně rozpustila až večer po procesí Neapolí a po sv. mši.
Do té chvilky se neapolští Italové báli, že válka či jiné neštěstí zachvátí Neapol, či celou Itálii, nebo celý svět.
K tomu doplňuji, že jasnovidný pravoslavný řecký kněz Jan Kalaidis prorokoval: Až bude 5.5. pravoslavná velikonoční Pascha, nastane (toho roku, nebo měsíce, či dne?) rusko-turecká válka. Pravoslavné velikonoce - oslava Vzkříšení Krista 5.5. byla r.2013 a dnes 5.5.2024 a v budoucnu bude až r.2097. Dle tabulky na: Velká tabulka kalendářních dat
Godlike Productions - Membership Contract We also have a date according to the prophecy of priest John Kalaides (died in 2009), the Russian-Turkish war will take take place when the Orthodox Easter falls on the date of May the 5th. It only falls on that date on 2013 and 2024.
Ta se rozšíří v celosvětovou dle proroctví athoských starců sv. Paisije Athoského i Josifa Vatopedského a sv. …Higit pa
Vedĺa biskupa je vždy každý rok postava zasvätená 33.stupńa,kontrola?
David Michael Emeth
3. sv. válka má začít v roce, v němž bude pohřbena mršina Lenina, jak prorokovala monaška (mniška) Alipija Golosejevskaja... 😇‼️ To se zatím nestalo. 😎Higit pa
3. sv. válka má začít v roce, v němž bude pohřbena mršina Lenina, jak prorokovala monaška (mniška) Alipija Golosejevskaja... 😇‼️
To se zatím nestalo. 😎
4 pang mga komento

Ukraine: Catholic Priests Have to Go to War

On 3 April 2024 a meeting took place between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a delegation of Catholic bishops and the Protestants of Ukraine. Zelensky congratulated the bishops and Protestants …Higit pa
On 3 April 2024 a meeting took place between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a delegation of Catholic bishops and the Protestants of Ukraine.
Zelensky congratulated the bishops and Protestants on Easter and wished Ukraine success in its war against Russia. On the agenda was the issue of priests being drafted into the army.
The following diocesan bishops were present at the meeting: Pavlo Honcharuk, 46 (Kharkov-Zaporozhye), Stanislav Shirokoradiuk, 67 (Odessa-Simferopol), Leon Dubravski, 74 (Kamianets-Podilskyi), Mykola Luchok, 50 (Mukachevo), Vitaly Kryvytskyi, 51 (Kiev-Zhytomyr), Vitaly Skomarovskyi, 60 (Lutsk).
Mgr. Kryvytskyi (Kiev-Zhytomyr) stressed that the mobilisation of parish priests or humanitarian workers would create major problems.
Auxiliary Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetskyi (Kiev-Zhytomyr), President of Caritas-Spes, stressed that priests will also have to join the fight when the new law on mobilisation comes into force on 18 May.
All religious denominations will be …Higit pa
Jeffrey Ade
Perfect! The synogue of satan in Russia and the Ukraine will be able to completely wipe out any hope of spiritual renewal in the Ukraine preparing it …Higit pa
Perfect! The synogue of satan in Russia and the Ukraine will be able to completely wipe out any hope of spiritual renewal in the Ukraine preparing it for the future homeland of Zelensky's hinderer's! See this.. Russian who allegedly predicted Chechen wars also predicted shift of Jewish power from Israel to Russia, Fitzpatrick Informer Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Hmm, all religious denominations, including Latin, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and all clergy and priests, will be affected. Looking at …Higit pa
Hmm, all religious denominations, including Latin, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and all clergy and priests, will be affected. Looking at Zelenksy's Jewish upbringing it's plausible.
4 pang mga komento

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

Monsignor Gustavo García-Siller, 67, the Mexican-born Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA, has criticised the Israeli war in Gaza in several messages on Twitter.com (7 May). He urged the "Jewish …Higit pa
Monsignor Gustavo García-Siller, 67, the Mexican-born Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA, has criticised the Israeli war in Gaza in several messages on Twitter.com (7 May).
He urged the "Jewish brothers and sisters" to "stop killing Palestinians. STOP!" [However, this war has nothing to do with the "Jewish brothers and sisters", but with a right-wing regime that many Jews oppose].
He added: "Palestinians are dying. Do we care?"
After the Archbishop was accused of "anti-Semitism", his spokesman distanced himself from the remarks: "'The Twitter account of Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is his personal account; it is not the official account of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Archbishop Gustavo urges prayers for peace in the Middle East," Jordan McMorrough, director of communications for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, told PillarCatholic.com (9 May).
The Israeli regime, which has occupied the Gaza Strip since 1967, has killed at least 34,789 Gazans, including 14,500 children, since …Higit pa
19 pang mga komento
Teofil Michalski
Catholic families and priests marched in Warsaw today carrying a crucifix and reciting the Rosary. Video: Wojownicy Maryi
What was the occasion. Why are they doing this?
English Catholic
I always love to see these public acts of devotion

Australia: Bishops Approve an Aboriginal Eucharist

Australia's Bishops have approved a liturgy that includes elements of Aboriginal language and culture. A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Bishops' Conference in Sydney on …Higit pa
Australia's Bishops have approved a liturgy that includes elements of Aboriginal language and culture.
A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Bishops' Conference in Sydney on Tuesday. It is called the "Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit - Missa Terrae Spiritus Sancti".
The rite will now be submitted to the Dicastery for Divine Worship for official approval by the Vatican, which approves everything that is not Catholic.
The Eucharist has been used in the Diocese of Broome for over 50 years with very mediocre results. It is presided over in several local languages, and was approved in 1973 as a 'culturally adapted' liturgy 'ad experimentum' [that is, for ever].
A local Aboriginal Council described the rite as "a distinctive Mass that beautifully blends Catholic tradition with Aboriginal culture to create a unique celebration of faith [in what?] that has served the diocese for over five decades".
"It symbolises a bridge that connects our spiritual beliefs with the …Higit pa
I reckon that making these young men do these dances for “special occasions”, essentially for the entertainment of white people, is condescending and …Higit pa
I reckon that making these young men do these dances for “special occasions”, essentially for the entertainment of white people, is condescending and patronising to the aboriginal people. These were historically private ceremonies out in the bush, for cultural reasons, now we white people in the Church are misusing these ceremonies inappropriately in Catholic liturgy, outside of their proper cultural context.
Fruit of the liturgy! This is the Bishop with the bandanna on his head. Charges against Australian bishop raise questions about ‘Vos estis’ statement
10 pang mga komento
Vdp.Marián Kuffa Příběhy ze života.

Bad Joke: Church Turns into Cinema for Horror Film Parody

St. Patrick's Church in Belfast, Ireland, was turned into a cinema on 7 May to show the film "Young Frankenstein", an American parody of the classic horror film genre with no pretence of serious content. …Higit pa
St. Patrick's Church in Belfast, Ireland, was turned into a cinema on 7 May to show the film "Young Frankenstein", an American parody of the classic horror film genre with no pretence of serious content.
The occasion was the 50th anniversary of the film. The £10-a-seat event was sold out. It is officially forbidden to hold chargeable events in churches.
The organisers said: "We can't think of a better venue than the truly gothic St Patrick's Church for this celebration of one of the funniest and most cinematically beautiful films of all time!"
No one disputes that a parody is perfectly suited to a church that makes itself a parody of the Church.
Dr Bobus
How does Young Frankenstein mock God and His Sacrifice?
Father Karl A Claver
When Ireland joined the EU, everything went horrible very quickly.
1 pang mga komento