
Conversion to the Church Produced Strange Phenomena

Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on NcRegister.com (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism. She and her husband received …Siwaju sii
Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on NcRegister.com (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism.
She and her husband received baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion at this year's Easter Vigil. Prior to their conversion, the family attended a non-denominational religious group with large video screens, weak music and a feel-good preacher. They have two young children.
Jayme Clune studied the history of the early Church and found that her beliefs were consistent with those of the Catholic Church. She and her husband were both drawn to the tradition, liturgy and sacraments of the Church.
As they began the official process of conversion, they were confronted with strange occurrences in their home.
- Lights would go on in rooms where no one had been.
- A large arched window inexplicably shattered, sending thousands of shards of glass across the floor.
- Water leaked from the kitchen sink.
- The toilets overflowed. - …Siwaju sii
Ivan Tomas
Call an exorcist. Evil spirits must be driven out of that house.


LAS QUINCE ORACIONES DE SANTA BRÍGIDA (versión completa) Un Año Las quince gotitas diarias de la Sangre de Jesús que destruirán la dura coraza de tu alma Los invitamos a que nos acompañen, rezando …Siwaju sii
(versión completa)
Un Año

Las quince gotitas diarias de la Sangre de Jesús que destruirán la dura coraza de tu alma
Los invitamos a que nos acompañen, rezando estas oraciones durante un año completo, se puede comenzar en cualquier día del año. Nos daría mucha alegría saber quienes han comenzado (ya se han comunicado varias personas ¿y usted no nos acompaña?). El mail está al final. Que Dios los bendiga.
Santa Brígida recibió dos juegos de oraciones de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y otro juego de Nuestra Madre la Santísima Inmaculada Virgen María. Uno de los juegos de Nuestro Señor los rezamos durante un año (oraciones que están aquí), mientras que el otro lo rezamos por doce años (ver link al final). De Nuestra Madre recibió la devoción diaria a sus Siete Dolores. Nuestro Señor y la Santísima Virgen prometieron tanto a través de Santa Brígida de Suecia a las almas que recen estas oraciones, que debemos lograr que se vuelvan mucho más conocidas. Para ello …
Siwaju sii
Patricia Pedroza García pin yi
Marcelo Fernando de Argentina pin yi
1K diẹ idahun

Bishop Strickland: "I Am Not A Sedevacantist."

Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on BishopStrickland.com (May 9) that he has been mislabeled as a sedevacantist by “a small number of people”. Strickland describes sedevacantism as a false belief and …Siwaju sii
Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on BishopStrickland.com (May 9) that he has been mislabeled as a sedevacantist by “a small number of people”.
Strickland describes sedevacantism as a false belief and the claim that there has been no valid pope since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, that as well as that the sacrament of Holy Orders is invalid in the Novus Ordo.
Strickland writes: “I want to make it clear that I am not and have never been a sedevacantist, as most people who have read my pastoral letters should know.”
And, “I have the utmost respect for the office of the papacy - the Vicar of Christ - and I regularly quote the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as other popes who have occupied the Chair of St. Peter since Vatican II.”
He doesn't mention Francis but prays that the papacy "will stand always as a visible sign of truth, clarity, and unity to Christ and to the faithful."
I am a sedevacantist. And proud.
Simon North
Nice person - but a rather lightweight hierarch. One can tell he was trained (not trained?) in a post-conciliar seminary.
4 diẹ idahun

Neuveriteľný prejav Petra Hahneho! Ortega y´Gasset povedal, že budúcnosť patrí tým, ktorí poskytnú ďalšej generácii dôvod na nádej

Neuveriteľný prejav Petra Hahneho! Ortega y´Gasset povedal, že budúcnosť patrí tým, ktorí poskytnú ďalšej generácii dôvod na nádej „Ešte nikdy nebolo zrušených toľko slobôd, ako za uplynulé tri roky …Siwaju sii
Neuveriteľný prejav Petra Hahneho! Ortega y´Gasset povedal, že budúcnosť patrí tým, ktorí poskytnú ďalšej generácii dôvod na nádej
„Ešte nikdy nebolo zrušených toľko slobôd, ako za uplynulé tri roky, a ešte nikdy nás tak Cirkev, keď sme ju najviac potrebovali, nenechala v štichu, a to vám hovoria ľavičiari! Sú preto nacisti? Nemajú práve naopak dobrý postreh, keď to hovoria?“

Raz si spomeniete na moje slová.
V nasledujúcich 24 minútach vám Peter Hahne povie rad zábavných, ale aj vážnych slov. Ja som si tento prejav pozrel viac krát, a zakaždým som si z neho odniesol nové poznatky. Je to tak, ako keď si niekoľkokrát prečítate dobrú knihu. Jedného dňa si na jeho slová spomenieme.
Nedovoľte, aby vám vzali neutralitu, pretože byť neutrálny znamená stáť na strane obetí, a nie na jednej, alebo druhej strane, ktoré sú proti sebe. Kto ešte myslí na obete? A čo sa stalo z nemeckej perspektívy? Už 51 rokov som v prvej línii politickej žurnalistiky, a vždy, pri každej vojne a katastrofe existovalo …Siwaju sii

Remember Francis’ "Don’t Breed Like Rabbits"? Now He Wants "More Babies"

Francis urged Italians on May 10 to have children, calling for long-term policies to help families and warning that the country’s demographic crisis was threatening the future. “The number of births …Siwaju sii
Francis urged Italians on May 10 to have children, calling for long-term policies to help families and warning that the country’s demographic crisis was threatening the future.
“The number of births is the first indicator of the hope of a people,” Francis said at an annual gathering of pro-family groups. “Without children and young people, a country loses its desire for the future.”
Italy’s birth rate, already one of the lowest in the world, has been falling steadily for about 15 years and reached a record low last year with 379,000 babies born.
In 2015, Francis said that Catholics shouldn’t “breed like rabbits”. He claimed that “responsible parenthood” requires the spouses to regulate the births of their children.
Picture: VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto, #newsHjevsbyxfw
because of the injection a lot of women lost their babies
i remember when he said that i also remember when he said it was an act of charity to take the injection
6 diẹ idahun
Starověké legendy a popisy říkají, že vysoce vyspělé kultury Atlantidy a Lemurie byly inspirovány vědomostmi přinesenými mimozemskými rasami z mnoha …Siwaju sii
Starověké legendy a popisy říkají, že vysoce vyspělé kultury Atlantidy a Lemurie byly inspirovány vědomostmi přinesenými mimozemskými rasami z mnoha částí galaxie a dalších rozměr
Když otevřeme svou mysl potlačovaným vědění, pochopíme, že svět, ve kterém si myslíme, že žijeme, je jen frekvenční rozsah existence.
Jak jsem řekl dříve, stvoření se skládá z nekonečných rozměrů života, které vibrují různými rychlostí Myslete na frekvence nespočtu rozhlasových a televizních stanic, které nyní vysílají ve vašem okolí
Každý sdílí stejný prostor, který zabírá vaše tělo. Nemůžete je vidět a oni se nevidí navzájem, protože vibrují na jiné frekvenci.
Když přesouváte knoflík z jedné rozhlasové stanice do druhé, první stanice najednou nepřeruší přenos, protože už neposloucháte. Vysílá dál, existuje, stejně jako dřív.
Jediný rozdíl je, že už nejste naladěni na jeho frekvenci. Všechny nekonečné frekvence života a existence napříč Stvořením sdílejí stejný prostor.
Většina lidí říká těmto různým frekvenčním …Siwaju sii
1 diẹ idahun

Liturgy: Francis' Polemics Miss the Point

"Liturgy without the union of man with God is an aberration," Francis rightly wrote on 10 May to a delegation from the 'Higher Institute of Liturgy of Barcelona' in Spain. But it didn't occur to him …Siwaju sii
"Liturgy without the union of man with God is an aberration," Francis rightly wrote on 10 May to a delegation from the 'Higher Institute of Liturgy of Barcelona' in Spain.
But it didn't occur to him that this is precisely the problem with the secularised Novus Ordo.
He added another truism: "An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to rubricism, which does not promote union with God".
In fact, the rubrics (i.e. the instructions on how a liturgy is to be celebrated) are so precise and detailed that they relieve the priest from being forced to be a showman who has to make up the course of what is to follow, focusing on the audience rather than on God.
The rubrics carry the priest along so that he can concentrate fully on the "union of man with God".
Francis asked liturgists to "work to bring our daily liturgy to life", thus admitting that the Novus Ordo is dead.
More false dichotomies from the Vatican II crowd. Past examples: Personal piety useless without liturgy, Loving God useless without honoring the poor …Siwaju sii
More false dichotomies from the Vatican II crowd. Past examples: Personal piety useless without liturgy, Loving God useless without honoring the poor, Knowing the faith is useless without a 'personal encounter' with Christ, etc. The truth is that one should do BOTH things, not set one against the other!
Dr Bobus
More accurate: An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to superficial social aspects and/or leftist politics, which does not promote …Siwaju sii
More accurate:
An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to superficial social aspects and/or leftist politics, which does not promote union with God".
8 diẹ idahun
Il commento del giorno di Bianchi Cagliesi sabato 11 maggio 2024 GUERRA ALLA RUSSIA: SCATTA IL PIANO BSiwaju sii
Il commento del giorno di Bianchi Cagliesi
sabato 11 maggio 2024

Church Hate Propaganda in Canada: They Spent $8m and Found NOTHING

Canada's 'Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations' has confirmed it has spent C$7.9 million (!) to uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of "unmarked graves" at the former Catholic residential school for …Siwaju sii
Canada's 'Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations' has confirmed it has spent C$7.9 million (!) to uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of "unmarked graves" at the former Catholic residential school for Indians in Kamloops.
What everybody knew from the start: Not a single "mass grave" was found, despite a gigantic media propaganda storm by the oligarchs claiming their existence and even bringing Francis to his knees. It was all a hoax.
Also interesting: There has been no public disclosure of how the funds were used to find the non-existent mass graves, reports WesternStandard.news (9 May).
The announcement of the discovery of 215 graves of children [all died over a long period of time of natural causes] at the Kamloops Residential School site in 2021 by the 'First Nation', a PR organisation for Canadian Indians, caused an international outcry, including an 'apology' from Francis.
In reality, the Church did a heroic job in very difficult conditions to bring education and civilisation to …Siwaju sii
Boanerges Boanerges
Institutional satanism is a trademark of antichristic times. I do believe both Bergoglio and Trudeau receive instructions from Antichrist
Everyday for Life Canada
This could be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. It’s good business for the bureaucrats, the lawyers and the Indigenous who collect millions. The …Siwaju sii
This could be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. It’s good business for the bureaucrats, the lawyers and the Indigenous who collect millions. The one who gets shafted is the tax payer.
3 diẹ idahun
Bola som ako chodiaca mŕtvola (bývalá potratárka Patrícia Sandoval)
Je to paradox. Nenarodené dieťa má právo dediť, ale nie právo žiť!

Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes InfoVaticana.com …Siwaju sii
"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes InfoVaticana.com (1 May).
Mgr. García has been in his current position since May 2021. He previously worked for Cardinal Sarah in the same dicastery.
By "in some of the faithful" he must have meant the overwhelming majority of the faithful, and by "a certain confusion" the ongoing dissolution of the liturgy, which is no longer even Protestant, but secularised and pagan.
He blames an "excess of individualism" that "prevails in today's society" for the fact that "everyone can decide what they like in the liturgy". It is an old trick of the bishops to blame "society" for their own mistakes.
"In the face of the 'I', the Pope asks us for the 'we' of the community," García insists, while Francis rules the Vatican alone and unaccountable to anyone but his private whims.
Here is another pearl of wisdom straight …Siwaju sii
P. O'B
Take some more poison and you'll feel better.
Father Karl A Claver
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus …Siwaju sii
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus Ordo is suppressed, and the Tridentine Mass reestablished as the official liturgy of the Roman rite.
2 diẹ idahun

Panna Maria varovala: Do Církve proniknou Svobodní zednáři! K Bohu nebo k papeži? Jak se bránit?


No Surprise: Tucho Falsifies John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita"

Tucho Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Dissolution of the Faith, refers to John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita", but misrepresents him. In DI 39, Tucho promotes pacifism and offers the …Siwaju sii
Tucho Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Dissolution of the Faith, refers to John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita", but misrepresents him.
In DI 39, Tucho promotes pacifism and offers the following quotation from John Paul II's encyclical 'Redemptor hominis' (1979). "In the name of God and in the name of man: Do not kill! Do not prepare destruction and extermination for people! Think of your brothers and sisters who suffer hunger and misery! Respect the dignity and freedom of every human being! (RH 16)"
Tucho implies that John Paul II always considered killing in war to be a violation of the fifth commandment: "Thou shalt not kill". But this is not true. John Paul II also adds in the quoted passage (RH 16) that "modern weapons and means of destruction" can be used in wars to "defend just rights and sovereignty".
Kissy needs to keep Pope Saint John Paul the Great’s name out of his nasty, filthy mouth….and off of the pages of that excrement he writes.
Sean Johnson
I hate it when modernists misrepresent modernists.
2 diẹ idahun
Nicola D.B.
TERREMOTO IN VATICANO / 11 Maggio 2024 Alcuni media hanno riportato la singolare battuta di Bergoglio fatta nel corso degli Stati Generali della Natalità tenutasi ieri all’Auditorium della Conciliazione …Siwaju sii
TERREMOTO IN VATICANO / 11 Maggio 2024 Alcuni media hanno riportato la singolare battuta di Bergoglio fatta nel corso degli Stati Generali della Natalità tenutasi ieri all’Auditorium della Conciliazione a Roma, in cui Bergoglio dice che in Vaticano si prega contro di lui! Quella che qualcuno sta facendo passare come una semplice goliardata del Papa, non lo è affatto e cela una verità di cui in parte vi presento in questo articolo.

Vaticano nel caos: chieste le dimissioni di Papa Francesco -

Alcuni media hanno riportato la singolare battuta di Bergoglio fatta nel corso degli Stati Generali della Natalità tenutasi ieri all’Auditorium …
Mario Sedevacantista Colucci pin yi
TERREMOTO IN VATICANO / 11 Maggio 2024 Alcuni media hanno riportato la singolare battuta di Bergoglio fatta nel corso degli Stati Generali della Natalità …Siwaju sii
TERREMOTO IN VATICANO / 11 Maggio 2024 Alcuni media hanno riportato la singolare battuta di Bergoglio fatta nel corso degli Stati Generali della Natalità tenutasi ieri all’Auditorium della Conciliazione a Roma, in cui Bergoglio dice che in Vaticano si prega contro di lui! Quella che qualcuno sta facendo passare come una semplice goliardata del Papa, non lo è affatto e cela una verità di cui in parte vi presento in questo articolo.

Ukraine: Catholic Priests Have to Go to War

On 3 April 2024 a meeting took place between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a delegation of Catholic bishops and the Protestants of Ukraine. Zelensky congratulated the bishops and Protestants …Siwaju sii
On 3 April 2024 a meeting took place between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a delegation of Catholic bishops and the Protestants of Ukraine.
Zelensky congratulated the bishops and Protestants on Easter and wished Ukraine success in its war against Russia. On the agenda was the issue of priests being drafted into the army.
The following diocesan bishops were present at the meeting: Pavlo Honcharuk, 46 (Kharkov-Zaporozhye), Stanislav Shirokoradiuk, 67 (Odessa-Simferopol), Leon Dubravski, 74 (Kamianets-Podilskyi), Mykola Luchok, 50 (Mukachevo), Vitaly Kryvytskyi, 51 (Kiev-Zhytomyr), Vitaly Skomarovskyi, 60 (Lutsk).
Mgr. Kryvytskyi (Kiev-Zhytomyr) stressed that the mobilisation of parish priests or humanitarian workers would create major problems.
Auxiliary Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetskyi (Kiev-Zhytomyr), President of Caritas-Spes, stressed that priests will also have to join the fight when the new law on mobilisation comes into force on 18 May.
All religious denominations will be …Siwaju sii
Jeffrey Ade
Perfect! The synogue of satan in Russia and the Ukraine will be able to completely wipe out any hope of spiritual renewal in the Ukraine preparing it …Siwaju sii
Perfect! The synogue of satan in Russia and the Ukraine will be able to completely wipe out any hope of spiritual renewal in the Ukraine preparing it for the future homeland of Zelensky's hinderer's! See this.. Russian who allegedly predicted Chechen wars also predicted shift of Jewish power from Israel to Russia, Fitzpatrick Informer Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Hmm, all religious denominations, including Latin, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and all clergy and priests, will be affected. Looking at …Siwaju sii
Hmm, all religious denominations, including Latin, Greek Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and all clergy and priests, will be affected. Looking at Zelenksy's Jewish upbringing it's plausible.
4 diẹ idahun
Tomek P

Zemi zasáhla geomagnetická bouře nejvyššího stupně, uvedl NOAA | ČeskéNoviny.cz

Washington - Zemi zasáhla v pátek geomagnetická bouře nejvyššího stupně. Uvedl to podle agentury AFP americký Národní …
Zuz S
Tomek P
Mozno niekedy aj elektrinu vyhodi
6 diẹ idahun

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

Monsignor Gustavo García-Siller, 67, the Mexican-born Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA, has criticised the Israeli war in Gaza in several messages on Twitter.com (7 May). He urged the "Jewish …Siwaju sii
Monsignor Gustavo García-Siller, 67, the Mexican-born Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA, has criticised the Israeli war in Gaza in several messages on Twitter.com (7 May).
He urged the "Jewish brothers and sisters" to "stop killing Palestinians. STOP!" [However, this war has nothing to do with the "Jewish brothers and sisters", but with a right-wing regime that many Jews oppose].
He added: "Palestinians are dying. Do we care?"
After the Archbishop was accused of "anti-Semitism", his spokesman distanced himself from the remarks: "'The Twitter account of Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is his personal account; it is not the official account of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Archbishop Gustavo urges prayers for peace in the Middle East," Jordan McMorrough, director of communications for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, told PillarCatholic.com (9 May).
The Israeli regime, which has occupied the Gaza Strip since 1967, has killed at least 34,789 Gazans, including 14,500 children, since …Siwaju sii
19 diẹ idahun
Come restare cattolici alla fine del pontificato di Francesco. Pete Baklinski - Crisis Magazine «Una tendenza allarmante che ho notato tra i cattolici scandalizzati è quella di cadere preda dell’idea …Siwaju sii
Come restare cattolici alla fine del pontificato di Francesco.
Pete Baklinski - Crisis Magazine
«Una tendenza allarmante che ho notato tra i cattolici scandalizzati è quella di cadere preda dell’idea spiritualmente cancerogena che Francesco non sia in qualche modo il papa, che sia un usurpatore nel migliore dei casi e un impostore nel peggiore»
«Alcuni hanno addirittura invitato i cattolici a “separarsi” da Francesco per rimanere “in comunione” con la Chiesa. Queste fonti pretendono di difendere accuratamente il cattolicesimo, mentre propongono idee che sono, in sostanza, anticattoliche perché attaccano l’ufficio pastorale di Pietro – la roccia – che è stato istituito da Cristo come fondamento stesso della Chiesa cattolica. Ho visto in prima persona il grave danno spirituale causato in coloro che aderiscono a queste idee, con il risultato che alcuni di loro si sono separati dalla Chiesa cattolica e hanno perso la fede»
«Il fatto è che papa Francesco è stato validamente eletto il 13 marzo …Siwaju sii

Come restare cattolici alla fine del pontificato di Francesco. Una proposta - Aldo Maria Valli

Come restare cattolici alla fine del pontificato di Francesco. Una proposta È ormai evidente a molti cattolici …
Giovanna Delbueno
L'autore dell' articolo definisce " pasticci" (!) ciò che in realtà è alterazione grave della Dottrina. Si chiama eresia? Si definisce in altro modo …Siwaju sii
L'autore dell' articolo definisce " pasticci" (!) ciò che in realtà è alterazione grave della Dottrina. Si chiama eresia? Si definisce in altro modo? Quando la dottrina adulterata induce al peccato e a restare nel peccato le anime, questa opera di un ministro ordinato ai vertici della Chiesa si può definire pasticcio oppure gravissimo tradimento di Cristo e della Chiesa Sua sposa ? Noi restiamo Cristiani Cattolici Apostolici Romani. Vada altrove chi non lo è.
Ma siamo impazziti??? Il Cardinale Danneels è reo confesso: lo ha scritto nero su bianco che Bergoglio è stato eletto grazie ad un accordo tra Cardinali …Siwaju sii
Ma siamo impazziti??? Il Cardinale Danneels è reo confesso: lo ha scritto nero su bianco che Bergoglio è stato eletto grazie ad un accordo tra Cardinali... Quale solido muro di mattoni??? Il rudere abbattuto dall'autobiografia di Danneels?

Australia: Bishops Approve an Aboriginal Eucharist

Australia's Bishops have approved a liturgy that includes elements of Aboriginal language and culture. A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Bishops' Conference in Sydney on …Siwaju sii
Australia's Bishops have approved a liturgy that includes elements of Aboriginal language and culture.
A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Bishops' Conference in Sydney on Tuesday. It is called the "Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit - Missa Terrae Spiritus Sancti".
The rite will now be submitted to the Dicastery for Divine Worship for official approval by the Vatican, which approves everything that is not Catholic.
The Eucharist has been used in the Diocese of Broome for over 50 years with very mediocre results. It is presided over in several local languages, and was approved in 1973 as a 'culturally adapted' liturgy 'ad experimentum' [that is, for ever].
A local Aboriginal Council described the rite as "a distinctive Mass that beautifully blends Catholic tradition with Aboriginal culture to create a unique celebration of faith [in what?] that has served the diocese for over five decades".
"It symbolises a bridge that connects our spiritual beliefs with the …Siwaju sii
I reckon that making these young men do these dances for “special occasions”, essentially for the entertainment of white people, is condescending and …Siwaju sii
I reckon that making these young men do these dances for “special occasions”, essentially for the entertainment of white people, is condescending and patronising to the aboriginal people. These were historically private ceremonies out in the bush, for cultural reasons, now we white people in the Church are misusing these ceremonies inappropriately in Catholic liturgy, outside of their proper cultural context.
Fruit of the liturgy! This is the Bishop with the bandanna on his head. Charges against Australian bishop raise questions about ‘Vos estis’ statement
10 diẹ idahun
Andrea Top


Čo mi leží na srdci? Len si tak myslím, že sa život u nás radikálne zmenil k horšiemu. Ešte si vo svojom súkromí zachovávam staré spôsoby, staré zvyky, staré normy správania a povedala by som aj …Siwaju sii
Čo mi leží na srdci? Len si tak myslím, že sa život u nás radikálne zmenil k horšiemu. Ešte si vo svojom súkromí zachovávam staré spôsoby, staré zvyky, staré normy správania a povedala by som aj hodnoty.
Celé je to choré. Vládne mládež a to už od malička. Všetko sa prispôsobuje deťom. Vozia ich ako princov do školy, prispôsobia si pracovný čas, čakajú ich z krúžkov vo veku, kedy by už po meste mali chodiť samé. Deti rozhodujú o tom, čo sa bude variť, kam na dovolenku. Máme tu kult detí.
Vidím toho okolo seba príliš veľa. Rodičov, ktorí neurčujú pravidlá a nechajú to na deťoch. Sú nekritickí a trest neexistuje. Áno, rodičia odhodili Boha a urobili si z detí bohov. Keby sa jednalo, len o neveriacich.
U osamelých rodičov, vzniká niečo ešte horšie absolútna závislosť na dieťati.
Neďaleko žije slobodný otec :) keď je slobodná matka, ktorý je úplne závislí na dcére. V jej prítomnosti ožije a bez nej si sám mrmle po záhrade a je ako duša bez tela. Doma sa nezúčastňuje povinností a nepomôže …Siwaju sii
Alena Irena Franěk
toto je vystupňované v severských zemích, kde se nabízí dětem linka důvěry na billboardech, aby zavolaly, pokud rodiče po nich něco vyžadují, že …Siwaju sii
toto je vystupňované v severských zemích, kde se nabízí dětem linka důvěry na billboardech, aby zavolaly, pokud rodiče po nich něco vyžadují, že jim bude pomoženo proti rodičům, dětská práva se nadřazují nad výchovu v rodině, ba dokonce ji potlačují. Čeká to také nás ?
Megistender 1
10 diẹ idahun