Novena - Oremus
A few years ago, Dafne Gutierrez, a Phoenix resident who was blind, regained her vision after praying through the intercession of St. Charbel. The doctors were not able to provide a medical explanation …More
A few years ago, Dafne Gutierrez, a Phoenix resident who was blind, regained her vision after praying through the intercession of St. Charbel. The doctors were not able to provide a medical explanation for this restoration of vision. The Catholic Sun quoted Anne Borik, a board-certified internal medicine physician, as saying, 'A long-standing damaged optic nerve causing blindness does not just all of a sudden appear normal in two days with complete restoration of vision. Image: the Maronite Voice
Heiliger Josef shares this
Wunder: Hl Charbel - Dafne Gutierrez, eine blinde Bewohnerin von Phoenix, erlangte vor einigen Jahren wieder ihr Sehvermögen, nachdem sie durch die …More
Wunder: Hl Charbel - Dafne Gutierrez, eine blinde Bewohnerin von Phoenix, erlangte vor einigen Jahren wieder ihr Sehvermögen, nachdem sie durch die Fürsprache von St. Charbel gebetet hatte. Die Ärzte konnten keine medizinische Erklärung für diese Wiederherstellung des Sehvermögens liefern. Die Catholic Sun zitierte Anne Borik, eine zertifizierte Ärztin für Innere Medizin, die sagte: "Ein seit langem geschädigter Sehnerv, der Blindheit verursacht, erscheint nicht plötzlich in zwei Tagen normal, wenn das Sehvermögen vollständig wiederhergestellt ist. Bild: Die maronitische Stimme
Baptism of Russell Brand in the River Thames - what do you think?
Well I guess my question has been answered - NO CATHOLIC BAPTISM. Wonder if even Trinitarian (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) or just "in Jesus' name" [which …More
Well I guess my question has been answered - NO CATHOLIC BAPTISM. Wonder if even Trinitarian (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) or just "in Jesus' name" [which is invalid].
English Catholic
Difficult to know what to make of it all. Is anyone instructing him? Has he become a Catholic, or is he attached to some denomination? Or is this just …More
Difficult to know what to make of it all. Is anyone instructing him? Has he become a Catholic, or is he attached to some denomination? Or is this just a feelgood 'spirituality' thing? I saw a video of him praying (he called it 'chanting') the rosary, and then very recently another video of him dabbling with tarot cards. He needs a good priest to give him instruction. I hope and pray he finds one.
@Maggie212 You're right about the Thames. I wouldn't let a dog in it. There have been cases of Weil's disease (leptospirosis) carried by small river rodents
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Novena - Oremus

Sandra Sabattini! She was declared Blessed on October 24, 2021, in Rimini, Italy.

Her fiance, Guido, now a Deacon, was present for the Beatification Mass. Blessed Sandra wasn't content with living an ordinary life. From the time of her childhood, she desired a life of holiness. …More
Her fiance, Guido, now a Deacon, was present for the Beatification Mass.
Blessed Sandra wasn't content with living an ordinary life. From the time of her childhood, she desired a life of holiness. Starting when she was 10 years old, Sandra kept a diary, in which she wrote, “A life lived without God is just a way of passing time, whether it’s boring or fun, time to be filled in while waiting for death.”
In 1974, Blessed Sandra became acquainted with the Pope John XXIII Community in Italy. That summer she spent time volunteering with young people who had disabilities. It left a profound mark on her soul and she later said to her mother, “We worked till we dropped, but these are people I’ll never leave.”
As a teenager, Blessed Sandra would frequently use the pocket money from her parents to give to the poor, leaving almost nothing for herself. Her heart was focused on the most vulnerable of society and she wanted to help them in any way possible.
Blessed Sandra graduated from high school …More


Alice von Hildebrand: "The greatest heretics and erroneous philosophers were talented, but they lacked the one essential ingredient for anyone desiring to pursue the truth: reverence. In other words,…More
Alice von Hildebrand:
"The greatest heretics and erroneous philosophers were talented, but they lacked the one essential ingredient for anyone desiring to pursue the truth: reverence. In other words, they did not allow reality to reveal itself; they wanted to make up reality. A man can come up with all kinds of interesting ideas, but if he is to get to the truth, he must baptize his intellect with humility, which is closely related to reverence.
Truth is not a matter of invention, but of veneration. We do not create truth; we serve it. This is why we cannot end our quest with acceptance of the truth, as praiseworthy as that is. We have to live out the truth in our lives, which is another way of saying our actions have to be good. The apparent beauty of our actions then points others back toward the source of all truth, goodness and beauty: God himself."
Boanerges Boanerges
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom
Pride I will not serve the greatest intellect ever created lucifer. Darwinism and Galileo has a death grip on modern day intellectual narrative it killed …More
Pride I will not serve the greatest intellect ever created lucifer.
Darwinism and Galileo has a death grip on modern day intellectual narrative it killed the Jesuits. Porn is the nail in the coffin (will)
Pure of heart will see GOD.
The Maronite Catholic have suffered severe persecution in Lebanon in the past few decades but their Christian faith and witness are as powerful as they were before.
When Pope Benedict XVI dropped the traditional papal title, “Patriarch of the West,” most Catholics were puzzled. Now Pope Francis has restored the title, and the puzzlement remains. In Catholic World …More
When Pope Benedict XVI dropped the traditional papal title, “Patriarch of the West,” most Catholics were puzzled. Now Pope Francis has restored the title, and the puzzlement remains.
In Catholic World Report, Ines Angeli Murzaku analyzes the reasons behind the changes, and concludes that, oddly enough, both Pontiffs were motivated by the same purpose: to improve ecumenical relations.

Pondering the restoration of a papal title

A notable change was made recently in the 2024 Pontifical Yearbook: the restoration of the papal title “Patriarch of the West”. Titles serve as significant …
Where that pesky crow when you need him 🤫
Denis Efimov
Francis did not restore the title "Patriarch of the West" at all. He simply included it in the list of so-called "historical titles" of the Popes. In …More
Francis did not restore the title "Patriarch of the West" at all. He simply included it in the list of so-called "historical titles" of the Popes. In fact, Francis renounced all these titles (including the title of Vicar of Christ) as confirmed by Cardinal Cantalamessa:
"Ho notato con gioia che nell’Annuario Pontificio, sotto il nome del papa, c’è il solo titolo “Vescovo di Roma”; tutti gli altri titoli – Vicario di Gesú Cristo, Sommo Pontefice della Chiesa Universale, Primate d’Italia ecc. – sono elencati come “titoli storici” alla pagina seguente. Mi sembra giusto, soprattutto riguardo a “Vicario di Gesú Cristo”. Vicario è uno che fa le veci in assenza del capo, ma Gesù Cristo non si mai assentato e mai si assenterà dalla sua Chiesa. Con la sua morte e risurrezione, egli è divenuto “capo del corpo che è la Chiesa” (Col 1,18) e tale continuerà ad essere fino alla fine del mondo: il vero e unico Signore della Chiesa".
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Historisch gesehen ist dies das Fest der Erscheinung von St. Michael. Das Fest erinnert an eine Erscheinung des Heiligen Michael auf dem Gipfel des Monte Gargano (Castel Sant' Angelo) in Italien an der …More
Historisch gesehen ist dies das Fest der Erscheinung von St. Michael. Das Fest erinnert an eine Erscheinung des Heiligen Michael auf dem Gipfel des Monte Gargano (Castel Sant' Angelo) in Italien an der Adriaküste im Jahr 590 n. Chr. und an die Einweihung des Heiligtums, das an der Stelle der Erscheinung errichtet wurde. Von allen Engeln wird keiner mehr verehrt als der heilige Michael; sein Kult reicht bis in die frühchristliche Zeit zurück. Er ist der Beschützer und Patron der Kirche auf Erden und führt die verstorbenen Seelen ins Paradies. Traditionell wurde sein Fasten am 29. September gefeiert; im sechsten Jahrhundert kam dann das Fest der Erscheinung des Heiligen Michael in Siponte (Gargano) hinzu, das sich jedoch bald auf die gesamte Kirche ausweitete. Heute wird eigentlich die Einweihung dieser Kirche gefeiert. Die bekannteste der Erscheinungen unserer Erzengel ist diejenige, die sich um 590 n. Chr. auf der Engelsburg ereignete und der die Festung ihren heutigen Namen verdankt
Kapuzinerkatakomben in Palermo, Sizilien
Michael Karasek
ich auch nicht,da kommt einen das gruseln.
Klaus Heid
Das müsste Ich mir nicht unbedingt anschauen..
Rogation Tuesday “Persecuted by her enemies, decimated by the martyrdom of her children, afflicted by numerous apostasies from the faith, and deprived of every human aid, the Church will know that the …More
Rogation Tuesday “Persecuted by her enemies, decimated by the martyrdom of her children, afflicted by numerous apostasies from the faith, and deprived of every human aid, the Church will know that the terrible chastisement is at hand, for Prayer will then be as rare as Faith...
Hl. Daniel Comboni – Der etwas andere Afrikamissionar (mit Josef Bordat) 📺 Weitere TV-Sendungen mit Josef Bordat: Suche – Der Name des heiligen Daniel Comboni ist untrennbar mit dem …More
Hl. Daniel Comboni – Der etwas andere Afrikamissionar (mit Josef Bordat)
📺 Weitere TV-Sendungen mit Josef Bordat: Suche –
Der Name des heiligen Daniel Comboni ist untrennbar mit dem afrikanischen Kontinent verbunden. Der aus der Lombardei stammende Bauernsohn gründete in den Jahren 1867 und 1872 die Kongregation der Comboni – Missionare vom Herzen Jesu für Männer und Frauen, die bis heute segensreich tätig ist. Was diesen Heiligen darüber hinaus so besonders macht, verrät der Buchautor Josef Bordat.
📕 Buch von Josef Bordat über Heilige bestellen: Das kleine Buch der Heiligen - Josef Bordat (Buch) – jpc
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Novena - Oremus shares from Irapuato
Recently canonized Italian educator Saint Rosa Venerini (1656-1728), who founded Catholic schools for girls and young women during the late 17th and early 18th centuries
MAY 7 - SAINT ROSE VENERINI breski1 Rosa Memorial 7 May Profile Daughter of Godfrey Venerini, physician in Viterbo, Italy. Following the death of her fiance, she entered a convent; following the …More
7 May
Daughter of Godfrey Venerini, physician in Viterbo, Italy. Following the death of her fiance, she entered a convent; following the death of her father, she returned home to care for her mother.
She invited neighbourhood women to pray the rosary in her home, and formed a sort of sodality. As these friends had little religious education, she began to teach them. Jesuit Father Ignatius Martinelli, her spiritual director, convinced her that she was called to be a teacher instead of a contemplative nun. With two friends, Rose opened a free pre-school for girls in 1685, which was well received. In 1692, Cardinal Barbarigo asked her to oversee training of teachers and the administration of schools in his diocese of Montefiascone, Italy. She organized schools in many parts of Italy, including Rome, and by the time of her death there were 40 schools under her direction. Friend and co-worker with SaintMore
Our Lady of Lebanon 🇱🇧 pray for them🙏
chris griffin
CCC 1432…The human heart is converted by looking upon him whom our sins have pierced: Jn 19:37; Zech 12:10. (Crucifix)
Petrus Nolasco (1182-1258). Eines Nachts, als Petrus Nolasco betete, erschien ihm die Heilige Jungfrau (1228) und sagte ihm, wie sehr sie und ihr göttlicher Sohn sich freuen würden, wenn ihr zu Ehren …More
Petrus Nolasco (1182-1258). Eines Nachts, als Petrus Nolasco betete, erschien ihm die Heilige Jungfrau (1228) und sagte ihm, wie sehr sie und ihr göttlicher Sohn sich freuen würden, wenn ihr zu Ehren ein Orden gegründet würde, der sich ausdrücklich für die Befreiung der von den Ungläubigen gefangen gehaltenen Christen einsetzen würde. In Erfüllung ihres Wunsches gründete Petrus zusammen mit dem heiligen Raymond von Penafort und Jakob I., König von Aragonien, den Orden Unserer Lieben Frau von der Barmherzigkeit zur Befreiung von Gefangenen. Neben den üblichen Gelübden mussten alle Mitglieder ein viertes ablegen, mit dem sie sich verpflichteten, sich, wenn nötig, in die Gefangenschaft der Heiden zu begeben, um die Emanzipation der Christen zu erreichen. Bei einer Gelegenheit erlöste Peter Nolasco 400 Menschen in Valencia und Granada; zweimal reiste er als "der Erlöser" nach Afrika, nicht ohne sein eigenes Leben zu gefährden; und Aufzeichnungen zeigen, dass durch seine persönlichen Bemü
Anemone shares this
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael shares this
Today marks the older observance of St. John before the Latin Gate in Rome, Italy. A tradition mentioned by St. Jerome, which goes back to the second century, says St. John the Apostle was taken to Rome …More
Today marks the older observance of St. John before the Latin Gate in Rome, Italy. A tradition mentioned by St. Jerome, which goes back to the second century, says St. John the Apostle was taken to Rome under the Emperor Domitian and plunged into a cauldron of boiling oil; by a striking miracle he came out safe and sound from this torture. A church dedicated in honor of St. John was built near the Latin Gate, the spot referred to by the tradition.
Der heilige Johannes erlitt die Schmerzen des Martyriums direkt vor den Toren Roms, aber er starb nicht. Heute begeht die Kirche das Fest zum Gedenken an sein Martyrium.
Children sing “This Is the Day That the Lord Has Made” on the day of the First Holy Communion
The First Communion dresses are horrendous now. So many sleeveless, quasi-strapless, satin, rhinestones, floor length and cut to look like adult wedding …More
The First Communion dresses are horrendous now. So many sleeveless, quasi-strapless, satin, rhinestones, floor length and cut to look like adult wedding dresses. One even has ostrich feathers. Why can't a little girl look like a little girl?
Novena - Oremus shares from In Principio
Dr. Scott M. Sullivan: "If human dignity is so great that it makes capital punishment unjust, then a fortiori it makes hell unjust. Human dignity is not so great that it makes hell unjust. (Per Jesus)…More
Dr. Scott M. Sullivan: "If human dignity is so great that it makes capital punishment unjust, then a fortiori it makes hell unjust. Human dignity is not so great that it makes hell unjust. (Per Jesus) Therefore human dignity is not so great that it makes capital punishment unjust."

Human Dignity...

Dr. Scott M. Sullivan: "If human dignity is so great that it makes capital punishment unjust, then a fortiori it makes hell unjust. Human dignity is not so great that it makes hell unjust. (Per Jesus). …More
Dr. Scott M. Sullivan:
"If human dignity is so great that it makes capital punishment unjust, then a fortiori it makes hell unjust.
Human dignity is not so great that it makes hell unjust. (Per Jesus).
Therefore human dignity is not so great that it makes capital punishment unjust.

Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam, from the Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1508-1512, in comparison with the structure of the human brain:
Uganda faces altar wine shortage 🇺🇬

Catholic, Orthodox churches face shortage of mass wine

Archbishop Paul Ssemogerere of Kampala prays before serving holy communion to faithful during mass at Kiwamirembe Catholic Shrine on December 31, …
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Must subscribe to read the article. Trash this link.
Der heilige Johannes erlitt die Schmerzen des Martyriums direkt vor den Toren Roms, aber er starb nicht. Heute begeht die Kirche das Fest zum Gedenken an sein Martyrium.
Novena - Oremus shares this
Today marks the older observance of St. John before the Latin Gate in Rome, Italy. A tradition mentioned by St. Jerome, which goes back to the second …More
Today marks the older observance of St. John before the Latin Gate in Rome, Italy. A tradition mentioned by St. Jerome, which goes back to the second century, says St. John the Apostle was taken to Rome under the Emperor Domitian and plunged into a cauldron of boiling oil; by a striking miracle he came out safe and sound from this torture. A church dedicated in honor of St. John was built near the Latin Gate, the spot referred to by the tradition.
Bernold Baer
Zitat: "Der heilige Johannes erlitt die Schmerzen des Martyriums direkt vor den Toren Roms, aber er starb nicht." Dazu unser Kirchenlehrer Ambrosius …More
"Der heilige Johannes erlitt die Schmerzen des Martyriums direkt vor den Toren Roms, aber er starb nicht."
Dazu unser Kirchenlehrer Ambrosius von Mailand:

Denn weder Petrus ist tot, den nach einem Ausspruch des Herrn die Pforte der Unterwelt nicht überwältigen konnte;
noch sind Jakobus und Johannes, die Donnersöhne, tot,
denen seit ihrer Aufnahme in die Lebenssphäre der himmlischen Glorie das Irdische nicht über-, sondern untergeordnet ist. So sei denn auch du ein Petrus: fromm, gläubig, friedfertig, um die Pforten der Kirche zu öffnen, den Pforten des Todes zu entrinnen! Sei ein Donnersohn! Du fragst: wie kann ich ein Donnersohn sein? Du kannst es sein, wenn du nicht auf der Erde, sondern an der Brust Christi ruhst.
..." Quelle: Bibliothek der Kirchenväter " Drei nun werden auserwählt auf den Berg zu steigen, weil desgleichen zwei erwählt werden mit dem Herrn zu erscheinen." Quelle: Bibliothek der Kirchenväter Das Symbol-Tier des Johannes ist der Adler. Der Adler aus …More
Christ founded one Church
Opera 369
Sorry 'lady Protestant', don't carry a Bible if you never really read it, to understand the TRUE MESSAGE!
There is no one "Eastern Church". It is an ecumaniacal fable.
Latin, where you least expect it: In cœlo quies — "In heaven there is rest."