UK: ‘Virtue signalling!’ National Trust branded ‘patronising’ after changing ‘ethnic minority’ to …

The National Trust has been branded “patronising” after replacing the term “ethnic minority” with …
English Catholic
I cancelled my National Trust subscription years ago over the Felbrigg Hall LGBT scandal. 'Hundreds' of National Trust members quit in protest over gay pride campaign They are nothing more now than agents of social change and political correctness. There is a toothless pressure group called 'Restore Trust' who are trying to restore the National Trust to its real mission. But they are going about …More
I cancelled my National Trust subscription years ago over the Felbrigg Hall LGBT scandal. 'Hundreds' of National Trust members quit in protest over gay pride campaign They are nothing more now than agents of social change and political correctness. There is a toothless pressure group called 'Restore Trust' who are trying to restore the National Trust to its real mission. But they are going about it the wrong way. They expect you to remain National Trust members and work for change from the inside. Well, it hasn't worked so far. I would ignore them and if you do subscribe to National Trust, cancel your membership immediately. Lack of money and lack of customers are the only things that will bring them to heel.