Nurse who took Vaccine live on TV, fainted is dead

TIFFANY DOVER – Another Vaccine Casualty

Essential Reading It’s A Script By Kevin Boyle on December 20, 2020 Boris Johnson has announced new Covid restrictions to be imposed across the UK. However, we …
Alive or Dead? Let’s get the facts right.
Jeffrey Ade
I think the Truth Seeker has very interesting articles! Check out the article #OperationRadiation! And if poorI Tiffany Dover is dead RIP.
Alex A
Boris needs to impose restrictions on his own stupidity! Victoria, Australia, now has had nearly sixty days without a recording of one COVID-19 case. Why? Nobody is going for testing. Right now, I have symptoms of a normal cold, do you think I'm going to rock up to a hospital emergency for testing, even though a senior citizen in the designated high-risk category, and predictably be told I have '…More
Boris needs to impose restrictions on his own stupidity! Victoria, Australia, now has had nearly sixty days without a recording of one COVID-19 case. Why? Nobody is going for testing. Right now, I have symptoms of a normal cold, do you think I'm going to rock up to a hospital emergency for testing, even though a senior citizen in the designated high-risk category, and predictably be told I have 'the virus'? Yeh right! A couple more Irish Baileys will do the trick. Dream on Boris's of our 'new world.'