Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted ‘lethal’ COVID jabs must answer to God
Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted 'lethal' COVID jabs must answer to God - LifeSite

Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted 'lethal' COVID jabs must answer to God - LifeSite

‘Their silence on the pandemic fraud is identical to that on the apostasy of the Catholic Hierarchy …
From a moral standpoint, there is no justification for anyone at all to ever have taken an experimental drug derived from the murder of an innocent person. The situation does not change a morally bad action into a morally good action. All priests from the lowliest to the Pope should know this. It's ethics 101.
i agree
Darice Henriques
Can someone please explain to me what a priest should choose? The scenario is that none of the hospitals permit priests to enter, let alone administer extreme unction to dying Catholics unless the priest is jabbed. Should the priest take it in order to provide this Sacrament to dying Catholics? Or refuse?
No, I am not in favor of the jab. I ask because this actually was the situation faced by a …More
Can someone please explain to me what a priest should choose? The scenario is that none of the hospitals permit priests to enter, let alone administer extreme unction to dying Catholics unless the priest is jabbed. Should the priest take it in order to provide this Sacrament to dying Catholics? Or refuse?
No, I am not in favor of the jab. I ask because this actually was the situation faced by a priest I know.
Darice Henriques the “end doesn't justify the means.”In such extra ordinary cases God being Just and Merciful wouldn't punish a soul if priest was not permitted to administer Sacraments without being dishonest and harmed.. and/or if passing away at home was not possible where priest could freely minister...
SSPX must do some soul searching here! Kyrie Eleison
Malki Tzedek
By this time, based just upon the 'science' they harangued us about for three years, the fact that so few have come forward to apologize for how they aacramentalized this putrid technology indicates that their hearts are more in this world than in the next. They have much to answer for, I am sorry to say.