Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes …More
"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes (1 May).
Mgr. García has been in his current position since May 2021. He previously worked for Cardinal Sarah in the same dicastery.
By "in some of the faithful" he must have meant the overwhelming majority of the faithful, and by "a certain confusion" the ongoing dissolution of the liturgy, which is no longer even Protestant, but secularised and pagan.
He blames an "excess of individualism" that "prevails in today's society" for the fact that "everyone can decide what they like in the liturgy". It is an old trick of the bishops to blame "society" for their own mistakes.
"In the face of the 'I', the Pope asks us for the 'we' of the community," García insists, while Francis rules the Vatican alone and unaccountable to anyone but his private whims.
Here is another pearl of wisdom straight …More
P. O'B
Take some more poison and you'll feel better.
Father Karl A Claver
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus Ordo is suppressed, and the Tridentine Mass reestablished as the official liturgy of the Roman rite.
Perhaps the good Bishop was sincere. Would to God that he were..... 😐
James Manning
Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of our actions.