
A Refutation of John Laurer's "Recommendation"

As usual, "John Laurer" (the latest alias of GTV's single-most-banned user, Jimmy) disabled the comments to stifle the truth. This post is a platform for the discussion he fears. All are welcome, him …More
As usual, "John Laurer" (the latest alias of GTV's single-most-banned user, Jimmy) disabled the comments to stifle the truth. This post is a platform for the discussion he fears. All are welcome, him included.
Jimmy's presence on GTV contradicts his own claim for the advantages of requiring a name and phone number. He writes:
"This helps keep people more honest about who they are and, at a minimum, helps keep the trolls down."
Has GTV requiring a name and a phone number stopped Jimmy from endlessly re-joining every time he gets banned for breaking site rules? Yes or no?
How many times HAS Jimmy been banned just this year alone? Has anyone been able to keep track?
He's been getting banned about twice a week now since before January. Whatever GTV's policy, it's doesn't "keep the trolls down". Jimmy's still here and doing what he always does, his latest post included.
Jimmy complains how "trolls" supposedly "have attacked everyone who dares oppose their peculiar beliefs.". Just …More
I've had Liberal trolls tell me that they are paid for every nasty, derogatory, vicious, etc., jab that they post on conservative/Catholic sites and posts. Such Liberal strategy of childish name-calling, lying, personal attacks, etc., are all listed on the Marxist Manifesto. Such strategy is used because they have no real or reasonable arguments.
Wa, wa, wa